Social Media Manager Salary
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7 Top Social Media Manager Salary Breakdowns for 2023

Earning Potential of Social Media Managers: Unlocking Career Growth 2023

Curious about how much social media manager salary is?  Wondering if it’s a lucrative career path worth pursuing? Look no further!

Understanding social media manager salaries is crucial in today’s digital age, where businesses heavily rely on social platforms for marketing and brand building. But what determines how much they earn? Is it their experience, skillset, or the industry they work in?

7 Top Social Media Manager Salary Breakdowns for 2023

In today’s digitized age, the role of a Social Media Manager is crucial in sculpting a brand’s online presence. Salary structures adapt as job responsibilities evolve with emerging platforms and consumer behaviors. Let’s dive into the top seven breakdowns of Social Media Manager salaries for 2023.

  1. Experience and Tenure:
    • Entry-Level: Those just starting, with 0-2 years of experience, can expect an average annual salary that’s typically lower.
    • Mid-Level: Managers with 3-6 years of experience see a noticeable pay jump, reflecting their growing expertise.
    • Senior-Level: With 7+ years in the industry, these professionals can command significantly higher salaries due to their vast experience and strategic insight.
  2. Location and Geographical Differences:
    • Urban hubs like New York, London, or San Francisco usually offer higher salaries, reflecting the cost of living and the concentration of major businesses. In contrast, remote roles or positions in smaller cities might have slightly lesser compensation, though remote work’s rising popularity is narrowing this gap.
  3. Industry and Niche:
    • Working for high-tech industries, luxury brands, or finance sectors often comes with a heftier paycheck than non-profits or smaller retail brands. The industry’s profitability and competition play major roles in determining salary.
  4. Scope of Responsibilities:
    • A Social Media Manager handling multiple platforms, leading advertising campaigns, and crafting content strategies will likely earn more than one focusing solely on organic content for a single platform.
  5. Education and Certification:
    • While hands-on experience is invaluable, having a relevant degree or industry-specific certifications (like Facebook’s Blueprint Certification) can positively impact salary, making you a more attractive candidate for higher-paying positions.
  6. Company Size and Budget:
    • Multinational corporations with extensive marketing budgets generally offer higher salaries than startups or SMEs. However, smaller companies might offer other perks, like equity or more flexible work conditions.
  7. Bonus, Profit Sharing, and Other Incentives:
    • Apart from the base salary, many companies offer performance bonuses, profit sharing, or commission structures, especially if the manager’s strategies lead to tangible growth in followers, engagement, or sales.

Moreover, salary plays a significant role in attracting and retaining top talent in social media management. With competition fierce among companies vying for skilled professionals, offering an attractive compensation package can make all the difference.

So, if you’re considering a career as a social media manager, it’s essential to know the earning potential and growth opportunities. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of social media manager salaries and discover what awaits those who choose this exciting profession.

Average Salary for Social Media Managers in the United States (June 2023):

The current middle salary range for managers in the US

Has become a crucial aspect of marketing plans worldwide, so the demand for skilled managers is rising. In June 2023, the middle salary for managers in the United States ranged from $45,000 to $85,000 annually. This figure considers factors such as experience, location, and industry.

Social Media Manager Salary

How location, experience, and industry impact manager salaries

Several factors come into play. Location plays a significant role in influencing pay rates. For instance, major cities like New York and San Francisco offer higher salaries due to their higher cost of living and increased competition.

Experience is another crucial factor that impacts managers’ salaries. Entry-level professionals with limited backgrounds may start at the lower end of the salary range; however, their earning potential increases significantly as they gain more expertise and demonstrate their value through successful campaigns and strategies.

Different industries offer varying compensation packages for managers. Sectors such as technology or finance often provide higher salaries than non-profit organizations or smaller businesses.

Comparison of average salaries across different states in the US

The average salary for managers can also vary depending on their state in the United States. Here is a comparison of average annual salaries across selected states:

  1. California: $65,000 – $90,000
  2. New York: $60,000 – $85,000
  3. Texas: $50,000 – $75,000
  4. Florida: $45,000 – $70,000


Comparison of Social Media Manager Salary with Other Industries or Job Roles:

Comparing manager salaries with marketing managers, content creators, and digital strategists

It’s important to consider how they compare to other related job roles. Marketing managers, content creators, and digital strategists often work closely with managers, but do they earn similar compensation? Let’s take a closer look.

Marketing Managers:

  • Marketing managers are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote products or services.
  • According to PayScale, the salary for marketing managers is around $65,000 annually.
  • However, this figure can vary based on expertise level, industry, and location.

Content Creators:

  • Content creators play a crucial role in producing engaging content across various platforms.
  • Their responsibilities may include writing blog posts, creating videos or graphics, and managing accounts.
  • According to Glassdoor, the average salary for content creators is approximately $45,000 annually.

Digital Strategists:

  • Digital strategists focus on developing effective online marketing campaigns that align with business goals.
  • They analyze data and trends to optimize digital advertising efforts.
  • The middle wage for digital strategists is around $60,000 per year,y based on data from Indeed.

Exploring how industries such as technology, healthcare, and finance differ in terms of salary for similar roles

Salaries can also vary significantly depending on the manager’s work. Let’s examine how industries like technology, healthcare, and finance compare.

Technology Industry:

  • In the technology sector, where innovation and digital presence are highly valued, managers may command higher salaries than other industries. This is due to the increased demand for their expertise in reaching tech-savvy audiences through various online platforms.

Factors Affecting Manager Salary in the Tech Industry:

How working for tech companies can significantly impact social media manager salaries

Working for tech companies can significantly impact the salary of managers. In the fast-paced world of technology, social media has become integral to brand strategy and customer engagement. Tech companies focusing on innovation and growth recognize the importance of having skilled professionals to manage their online presence.

Social Media Manager Salary

Tech companies often offer higher salaries than other industries due to various factors. The demand for managers in the technology field is increasing rapidly as more businesses recognize the potential of social media in reaching their target audience. This high demand drives up salaries as companies compete to attract top talent.

The demand for specialized skills like data analytics and AI knowledge within tech companies

One key factor influencing managers’ salaries in the tech industry is the demand for specialized skills. As technology continues to evolve, so does the role of a social media manager. Companies now expect these professionals to possess additional skills, such as data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) knowledge.

Experts in data analysis can help tech companies make better decisions about social media. Knowing about AI can also help them use automation tools and improve campaigns. Social media managers with these skills are in high demand and get paid more.

Influence of company size, funding stage, and product type on salary packages offered by tech firms

The size of a tech company plays a significant role in determining salary packages offered to social media managers. Larger organizations often have more resources and are willing to invest heavily in digital marketing. Consequently, they offer higher salaries than smaller startups or mid-sized firms.

The funding stage also affects salary levels within tech companies. Startups that have recently secured substantial funding may be able to offer competitive compensation packages as they strive to attract top talent.

Hourly Rates for Managers:

Understanding Hourly Rates for Managers

While many professionals in various industries receive fixed annual salaries, managers often charge hourly rates for their services. This approach allows them to have more flexibility and adaptability. Understanding how these hourly rates work can provide insight.

Factors Influencing Hourly Rates

Several factors influence the hourly rates that managers charge. One such factor is the complexity of a project. More intricate campaigns or strategies may require additional time and effort, increasing hourly rates. Short-term contracts or freelance work can also impact the pace social media managers charge.

Range of Hourly Rates

The range of hourly rates for social media managers can vary based on expertise level and expertise. Here’s an overview:

  1. Entry-level managers typically charge between $15 and $30 per hour.

  2. Mid-level professionals with a few years of experience may charge between $30 and $50 per hour.

  3. Highly experienced managers with a strong track record may command rates ranging from $50 to $100 per hour.

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate ranges, as individual circumstances and market conditions can influence actual rates.

Pros and Cons of Charging Hourly Rates

Charging hourly rates as a manager has its advantages and disadvantages:


  • Flexibility: Charging by the hour allows flexible pricing based on project requirements.
  • Fair compensation: Hourly rates ensure professionals are compensated appropriately for their time on each task.
  • Transparency: Clients see how much time is allocated to specific activities.


  • Income fluctuations: Since income is tied directly to hours worked, there may be variations in monthly earnings.
  • Limited scalability: Relying solely on hourly rates might limit the potential for scaling a management business.

Highest Paying Cities for Managers in the United States:

Identifying cities where top-paying opportunities for social media managers are concentrated

If you’re a social media manager looking to maximize your earning potential, knowing which cities in the United States offer the highest salaries is essential. By identifying these cities, you can focus your job search and increase your chances of landing a well-paying position. Here are some of the top cities where managers earn the highest salaries:

  • New York City: As one of the major hubs for business and technology, it’s no surprise that New York City tops the list. With its thriving advertising and media industries, there is a high demand for skilled managers who can navigate this competitive market.
  • San Francisco: Home to numerous tech giants and startups, San Francisco offers excellent career opportunities for managers. The city’s strong presence in the technology sector contributes to higher salaries due to increased competition for talent.
  • Los Angeles: Known as the world’s entertainment capital, Los Angeles boasts a vibrant creative industry that heavily relies on effective strategies. Managers in LA often work with celebrities, influencers, and major brands, leading to higher pay scales.

Factors contributing to higher salaries in these cities

Several factors contribute to higher salaries for managers in these cities:

  • Cost of living: Generally speaking, cities with a higher cost of living tend to offer higher wages across various professions. This is particularly true for New York City and San Francisco metropolitan areas.
  • Industry presence: Cities with a strong presence in advertising, technology, entertainment, and fashion tend to have more job opportunities and better compensation packages for social media managers.

Comparison of salary ranges across different cities in the US

While specific salary ranges can vary depending on factors such as experience level and company size, here is a general comparison of average annual salaries for managers in some top US cities:

Senior Manager Salaries and Job Satisfaction:

Impact of Seniority on Salaries

As social media marketing continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals is rising. With seniority comes higher salaries, reflecting the expertise and value that seasoned social media managers bring to organizations. As you climb the career ladder, your earning potential increases significantly.

Social media managers with several years of knowledge can command higher salaries due to their deep understanding of various platforms and ability to develop effective strategies.

They are often responsible for managing large-scale social media campaigns, overseeing a team of social marketers, and driving impactful results. All these factors contribute to their higher salary range compared to entry-level or junior roles.

Experience Level and Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction among senior social media managers is closely linked to their skill level. The more years they have spent honing their skills in this dynamic business, the more satisfied they are with their work.

Senior professionals have likely faced numerous challenges and have successfully developed strategies to overcome them. This accumulated knowledge allows them to easily navigate complex projects, leading to a sense of achievement and job satisfaction.

Senior social media managers often enjoy greater autonomy in decision-making and strategy development, which can further enhance job satisfaction.

Additional Responsibilities and Expectations

Additional responsibilities and expectations come with seniority as organizations entrust skilled professionals with more significant projects and initiatives. Senior social media managers may oversee multiple campaigns simultaneously or manage larger teams.

Their role may also extend beyond content creation and engagement on social platforms. They may be involved in developing comprehensive marketing strategies that integrate various channels, collaborating closely with other departments such as PR or product teams.

These added responsibilities require advanced skills in project management, communication, leadership, data analysis, and strategic thinking.

Perks, Benefits, and Work-Life Balance

Senior positions often come with attractive perks and benefits.

Gender Breakdown for Manager Salaries:

Analyzing pay gaps

Pay gaps are a pressing issue in various industries, including social media management. It is essential to analyze and understand the disparities that exist between genders. By examining the factors contributing to these discrepancies, we can work towards creating a more equitable environment.

One significant factor affecting pay gaps in social media management is the lack of representation of women in leadership positions. Studies have shown that companies with diverse leadership teams have narrower pay gaps.

However, many organizations still struggle to provide women equal opportunities to rise into higher-paying roles.

Another contributing factor is societal biases and stereotypes that undervalue specific skills associated with social media management when performed by women.

For example, communication and relationship-building skills are often seen as “soft” or less valuable than technical expertise, which may lead to lower compensation for women in this field.

Identifying factors contributing to disparities in salaries between genders

Several factors contribute to the disparities in salaries between genders within the realm of social media management:

  1. Occupational segregation: Women are often concentrated in lower-paying roles within social media management, such as content creation or community management. Men tend to dominate higher-paying positions like strategy development or analytics.
  2. Negotiation differences: Research suggests that women are less likely than men to negotiate their salaries effectively. This disparity can result from various factors, including societal expectations and confidence levels.
  3. Unconscious bias: Hiring managers may unknowingly hold tendencies influencing their decisions regarding salary offers and promotions. These biases can perpetuate wage gaps between genders.
  4. Lack of transparency: Companies sometimes lack clarity around compensation ranges and promotion criteria, making it easier for gender-based pay discrepancies to persist unnoticed.

Experience Level and Manager Salary:

Impact of Experience Level on Social Media Manager Salaries

Knowledge level plays a significant role in determining the compensation of a social media manager. Whether you are just starting in the field or have years of experience, your expertise will directly influence how much you can earn.

  1. Entry-Level:

    • You can expect a lower wage than more skilled professionals as an entry-level social media manager.
    • Typically, entry-level positions require less than two years of background knowledge.
    • Starting salaries for entry-level social media managers range from $35,000 to $50,000 annually.
    • At this stage, gaining a practical understanding and building a strong foundation in social media management is crucial.
  2. Mid-Level:

    • You can progress to mid-level positions with a few years of experience in the field.
    • Mid-level managers usually have around three to five years of experience.
    • Salaries for mid-level professionals range from $50,000 to $70,000 per year.
    • At this stage, you should focus on expanding your skill set and taking on more responsibilities.
  3. Senior-Level:

    • Senior-level managers are highly skilled individuals who have been working in the area for over five years.
    • These professionals often oversee teams and develop strategic plans for their organization’s online presence.
    • Salaries for senior-level managers typically range from $70,000 to $100,000 or more per year.

Average Manager Salary by Company Size and Top Paying Companies:

How company size affects manager salaries

One crucial factor that can significantly impact a professional’s earnings is the size of their company. The size of a business not only determines its reach and influence but also plays a crucial role in determining how much it can afford to pay its employees.

Large companies offer higher salaries than smaller startups or medium-sized businesses. This is primarily because giant corporations often have more resources and budgets allocated for marketing, including social media management.

Therefore, if you’re looking to land a high-paying position as a manager, aiming for larger companies might be your best bet.

Comparing average salaries offered by small startups, medium-sized companies, and large corporations

To give you a better idea of how company size affects manager salaries, let’s take a closer look at some average figures:

  1. Small Startups:

    • Average salary range: $40,000 – $60,000 per year
    • Smaller startups may offer lower base salaries due to limited financial resources. However, they might compensate with other benefits like stock options or flexible work arrangements.
  2. Medium-Sized Companies:

    • Average salary range: $60,000 – $80,000 per year
    • Medium-sized companies typically have more established marketing departments and budgets.
    • They are likely to offer competitive compensation packages along with growth opportunities.
  3. Large Corporations:

    • Average salary range: $80,000 – $120,000 per year
    • Big corporations often have dedicated teams solely managing their social media presence.
    • These companies are willing to invest significantly in skilled professionals who can drive their online engagement.

Highest Paying Jobs in Social Media Management and Salary FAQs:

In conclusion, understanding the salary landscape for managers is crucial for those aspiring to enter this field or to negotiate a higher wage. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. The middle wage for managers in the United States as of June 2023 is [insert average wage.
  2. Comparing manager salaries with other industries or job roles reveals that it can be a lucrative career choice.
  3. Knowledge level, company size, and location can significantly impact a manager’s earnings.
  4. Hourly rates for managers vary but can provide flexibility in compensation arrangements.
  5. Certain cities in the United States offer higher salaries for managers due to demand and cost of living factors.
  6. Senior managers earn higher salaries and often report greater job satisfaction.
  7. Gender breakdowns show there may still be disparities in manager salaries between men and women.
  8. The knowledge level is vital in determining a manager’s pay, with more experienced professionals commanding higher pay.
  9. The middle wage for managers varies based on company size, with top-paying companies offering competitive compensation packages.

To make informed decisions about pursuing a career as a manager or negotiating your paycheck, consider these key points when navigating the job market.


Q: How does location affect manager salaries?

Location greatly influences social media managers’ salaries due to varying living costs and demands within different regions.

Q: What are some top-paying companies for managers?

Some top-paying companies known for offering competitive salaries to their social media managers include [insert examples].

Q: Is there gender disparity in manager salaries?

Unfortunately, gender disparities still exist within management, with men often earning more than women in similar roles.

Q: Do social media managers with more experience earn higher salaries?

Yes, experience plays a significant role in determining a manager’s wages. Those with more knowledge tend to command higher pay rates.

Q: Are there opportunities for career growth and advancement in management?

Absolutely! Management is a rapidly evolving field, offering numerous opportunities for career growth and advancement as you gain and expand your skill set.

Remember, staying updated with trends and continuously improving your skills can help you stand out and increase your earning potential as a social media manager.

Final Thoughts

The role of a Social Media Manager is an increasingly important one, especially in the realm of marketing. They are essential social media professionals who help to establish and execute a marketing plan, and this role is often intertwined with that of a marketing manager.

Their responsibilities include managing a brand’s social media presence, creating and curating shareable content, and developing strategies to increase audience engagement.

As of August 2023, the average salary expectations for Social Media Managers vary significantly by region. In North America, specifically Canada, the average base pay is around CAD 60,000 annually. In contrast, in Europe, the total pay fluctuates depending on the country but ranges from €35,000 to €50,000 yearly.

When considering an hourly rate, a Social Media Manager’s average pay in Canada is approximately CAD 29 per hour, while in Europe, it hovers around €20 per hour.

Remember, these are only averages; actual pay may be higher or lower depending on the individual’s education, experience, skills, and the company’s size and sector.

For job seekers interested in this role, having a degree related to Marketing, Business, or Communications can be an advantageous starting point. However, companies increasingly value practical experience and a proven ability to create a successful community marketing strategy.

Regarding source data, one can download data tables for the job salaries of Social Media Managers from various job market platforms. These tables provide detailed information, including the number of people with similar roles, their years of experience, and their corresponding salary range, which is helpful for job seekers and employers.

Salary negotiations are a critical part of the job-seeking process. Job seekers must know the average pay for their role and location to negotiate effectively. On the other hand, social media marketers should consider their skills, experience, and the value they bring to a company when discussing their salary expectations.

While money is an important factor, aspiring Social Media Managers should also consider the intrinsic rewards of the job. Being at the center of a brand’s connection to its consumer base and having the power to shape that relationship can be highly fulfilling.

In conclusion, a Social Media Manager’s salary varies based on location, education, and experience. To make informed decisions, job seekers and employers need access to accurate information on current pay standards in this field.

As a Social Media Manager, part of your role may include managing the company’s Facebook or LinkedIn page, engaging with the community, and effectively utilizing these platforms as part of the broader marketing plan. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of social media marketing, the need to stay informed and continually learn is crucial.

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Angus Robertson

Angus Robertson is an authority in online marketing, affiliate marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). With an innate passion for the digital world, he has spent the last two decades assisting businesses in amplifying their online presence and boosting profitability.

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